Lost & Stray Animals Banner - 01

Stray Pets:
Please contact the local animal control where the animal was found. MARS cannot take strays. Click here to see a list of MN Animal Controls. 

Lost Pets:
We're sorry to hear your pet is lost!  Here are some tips: 

- Post flyers in your neighborhood (if allowed) with photo and your contact information. Talk to neighbors; ask them to check their property (garages, sheds, under bushes/decks/stairs, etc). 
- Contact your pet's microchip company. They will alert shelters and vets. Always keep your contact information up to date!  If you have a MARS pet, email connect@midwestanimalrescue.org to update contact information and we will take care of this for you. 
- In the last place seen, place food and scented items (litter box, your shirt, their bed).
- Post online (PetFBICraigslistFacebook groups, NextDoorPawBoost, and Petco Love Lost
- Seek Expert Help – The Retrievers and LostK9. They have many more tips & resources available as well.  

Please contact the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota